My blogging experience has been an enlightening experience and something that could definitely be a beneficial aspect ot any corporation. However, I don't know if blogging will become a mainstream form of social interation such as email or instant messenger. These forms of social interation are more intimate and offer more of a secure medium to share information with others. That's why blogs would be great in the workplace because there is a need to communicate on a non-personal level more than there is on a personal level. I feel blogs could allow companies to transfer valuable knowledge from all over the world to those that need it and can allow others with more experience to offer their opinions on the issues others face. That is exactly what we did in class, we presented problems and others offered their advice to help solve those problems. I know that the blogosphere helped me a lot with some questions I had during the course of this class. I have to say that blogging was fun at times. It was a change of pace that allowed me to get an idea of what others were thinking and what struggles they had that I might be of service. Blogging in BIT 320 was not a real problem for me, but I can see that if I had my own personal blog were I shared my thoughts about anything that I probably wouldn't be using it as much mostly due to laziness more than anything. In the end however blogging was an eyeopener to the types of interaction there can be between a group of people on the Interent and it definately has its advantages. For a person who is by no means computer savvy, I enjoyed my blogging expereience and in the future maybe me and blogs with cross paths again. Who knows?
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